Wychwood Blog
Pets and Laminate Flooring
Posted on March 26, 2019
We get asked a lot of questions about pets and laminate flooring, so we thought we would share our knowledge with you.
Of course you can have pets and laminate flooring, they are compatible, and get alone nicely. But as with everything, you need to take care of both and understand how you can best do that.
Pet Advice
If you chase your cat or dog through your home for a bit of fun, remember they can slip on corners. This may make you laugh, or create a great video for YouTube, but it can cause injury to your pets legs. The best thing is to not allow your pets to run through the house. However, if you do have an excitable animal, then textured laminate would be best and it can prevent paws from slipping.
If your pet is unhappy being left at home alone then they can become very destructive. No matter the quality or type of flooring you have, if your pet is given enough time, they can destroy your floor with their claws and teeth, although soft furnishing are usually their first choice. Get the right help for your pet, an unhappy dog can be cured in as little as 30 minutes when their owners are trained properly.
Floor Advice
Laminate flooring is surprisingly resistant to scratches. The flooring's resistance is related to the quality of the laminate you buy. When buying laminates tell the retailer what the floor is going to have to put up with on a daily basis. Some are heavy duty and suit hallways and living rooms where traffic is likely to be heavy, where others are suitable for dinning rooms or bedrooms.
Getting the right fit for your home and how you live your life is important if you want your new floor to last for 25 years.
Keep your flooring clean. If you see marks, dirt or grit clean it off as soon as possible. Warm soapy water is fine for cleaning laminate flooring, but don't over soak it as this can cause damage.
If your pet has a little accident, clean it up immediately, and wash the floor with warm soapy water, open the windows to air the room.
You just need to be careful with both your laminate flooring and your pets, but they are compatible and laminate flooring is far more hygienic when you have pets then carpets.
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